The XboxCast
Funny first. Factual second. ™ Join us every week for a hilarious and entertaining dive into the world of Xbox. Whether you’re a gamer with a job, a gamer with kids, or just a gamer with too many hobbies, we’ve got you covered. Get your Xbox news fix in #NuNews, laugh along with our latest gaming adventures in #GameFace! or keep yourself regular with our Regular Show for your weekly dose of Xbox goodness. Our podcast, community, and movement aim to bring a positive and upbeat voice to all things Xbox! And to top it all off, The XboxCast is the longest-running Xbox podcast from Down Under! So, come for the laughs, stay for the games, and be part of our awesome community. To find out more about the podcast, the hosts, and the monthly events, visit their home on the web @ or join the Discord @

Saturday Jun 19, 2021
Saturday Jun 19, 2021
E3 has come and gone. But that doesn't mean the hype train is anywhere close to stopping!
Joined by Cameron from the RealGamerScore podcast and Garrett from the UXP - The Xboxcast go over all the excitement of E3.
From what got everyone hyped (hello Slime Rancher 2), to what disappointed us (no more studio acquisitions?) and even what we expected and were surprised buy. Can you say Pirates of the Caribbean Sea of Thieves crossover without grinning like and idiot? Because we sure cant!
Cameron joins us from the RealGamerScore podcast, so if you like your achievement hunting and serious gaming - check them out! Find Cameron @ and the RealGamerScore podcast @
And thanks again to Garrett for joining us. His knowledge and enthusiasm of this industry is unrivaled!
Keep up with him and things UXP @
Thanks to both our guests for coming on and being hyped with us!
Please remember to support us on Patreon if you can. We have big plans that are coming this year and Patrons will not only see them first, but have a hand in our future direction. Check out for all the info you need.
If you liked this episode, don't feel ashamed.
Rather, join the dozens of others that are following us.
Your hosts are:
Kyle: XarCrius on Twitter and Xbox
Lee: Leehoward on Twitter and Xbox
Simone: GymBeanNZ on Twitter and Xbox
Paul: HippoHQ on Twitter, Xbox and YouTube

Saturday Jun 12, 2021
Saturday Jun 12, 2021
DeeJayHerro joins us for this episode of #GameFace!
Did you know, DayJay used to stream games while wearing a full Spiderman costume?
What games have we been playing this week?
Well, we're still neck deep in #backToYourBacklog so Simone has a ton of Stardew Valley stories for you. Kyle is getting the hang of Monster Hunter: World, and Lee is actually enjoying Borderlands!
DeeJay comes at us with just about every multiplayer game under the sun. From Rocket League to Knockout City - he plays them all. Call it a constant backlog!
Amongst the games, we even find time to chat to DeeJay about Xbox, some news and the time he tried to buy Major Nelson's shoes...
This episode gets wild!
DeeJay co-hosts the Zyba Games podcast, so make sure you check him out on Twitter at
If you liked this episode, don't feel ashamed.
Rather, join the dozens of others that are following us.
Your hosts are:
Kyle: XarCrius on Twitter and Xbox
Lee: Leehoward on Twitter and Xbox
Simone: GymBeanNZ on Twitter and Xbox
Paul: HippoHQ on Twitter, Xbox and YouTube

Thursday Jun 03, 2021
Thursday Jun 03, 2021
With E3 just around the corner, we go bananas with what we want to see.
And to help, we have a very special guest - Garrett Atkins!
Garrett helps keep our expectations in check, but we still go over the deep end.
Microsoft buying Anthem from EA? Why not! Xbox acquiring Blizzard? Hey, it could totally happen! What about Rare and Bethesda teaming up to work on a game? Now that's something we'd love to see.
And of course, we can't do any E3 wish list without hoping for New Vegas 2.
Come on Xbox, make it happen! Please?
Garrett is a top chap, and he's doing some amazing things in the Xbox community.
Make sure you follow him over on Twitter @
If you liked this episode, don't feel ashamed.
Rather, join the dozens of others that are following us.
Your hosts are:
Kyle: XarCrius on Twitter and Xbox
Lee: Leehoward on Twitter and Xbox
Simone: GymBeanNZ on Twitter and Xbox
Paul: HippoHQ on Twitter, Xbox and YouTube

Monday May 31, 2021
Monday May 31, 2021
We like chatting about games. And you clearly like listening about games. Now lets talk games!
For #backToYourBacklog, one of our dedicated listeners jumped in a whole month early. Great effort Gary! At least now you have other games to play this June. We also ran some polls! What's the winner for June? You'll just have to find out?
Kyle plays Batman: The Enemy Within, and really hopes some Telltale employees have been hired by Microsoft. So much opportunity for expansion in their current franchises. Kyle and Simone do more Halo 4 while Lee jumps into Halo 5. Looks like we're circling back to Halo this year... *ba dum tsh*
And introducing Lee's very own game review!
If you liked this episode, don't feel ashamed.Rather, join the dozens of others that are following us.
You hosts are:
Kyle (XarCrius)Lee (Leehoward)Simone (GymBeanNZ)Paul (HippoHQ)

Monday May 31, 2021
Monday May 31, 2021
Something is coming that is drying up all the news... What could that be?
June is coming up and its stopping us from buying new games. Our wallet is thanking us! Due to some limitations on some hardware, people think its OK to send death threats to game developers... This causes Kyle to go onto a rant about the state of fanboyism. But out of this comes the realization that Biomutant is still awesome and you should totally buy it.
Saints Row 3 Remastered Series X Edition is out this week and if that sentence doesn't full your body with happy chemicals, then there's not much we can do to help. Maybe An Airport For Aliens Currently Run By Dogs is more your type of game? Either way, new games are here and theres lots to be excited for.
If you liked this episode, don't feel ashamed.Rather, join the dozens of others that are following us.
You hosts are:
Kyle (XarCrius)Lee (Leehoward)Simone (GymBeanNZ)Paul (HippoHQ)

Tuesday May 25, 2021
Tuesday May 25, 2021
Are you ready for #BackToYourBacklog? Its coming and we have polls on Twitter to help us decide what to play! Now is your time to shine and decide our gaming future.
Kyle hates platformers. Did you know that? And the worst one is Tcheco. Simone is enjoying Nexoria! If you haven't heard, the books speak to you. And the books don't let you finish Bioshock. Lee gets absorbed into Halo 5. Something about shooting aliens in the face just gels with him...
Be sure to join in our #backToYourBacklog challenge in June! We're going to play a game that we've started but never completed. And you're invited to join in on the fun. Now is your chance to get back to that game you've been meaning to play!
If you liked this episode, don't feel ashamed.Rather, join the dozens of others that are following us.
You hosts are:
Kyle (XarCrius)Lee (Leehoward)Simone (GymBeanNZ)Paul (HippoHQ)

Thursday May 20, 2021
Thursday May 20, 2021
Do you not slap your dogs bum?
Resident Evil Village is already in the top 20 for the game play chart! In more news, Xbox Series get The Original dynamic background, Quick Resume is now ever quicker and Xbox is fighting scalpers. Along with Destiny 2 getting cross-play early, we can all now jump in on the fun. Are you avoiding work because of your new vampire mommy? Some people are... And we'll leave how that makes you feel up to you.
Rust is finally coming to Xbox this week! Along with Knockout City. And you can raise hell in Raising Hell - a vertical platformer with heavy gothic metal shreds!
If you liked this episode, don't feel ashamed.Rather, join the dozens of others that are following us.
You hosts are:
Kyle (XarCrius)Lee (Leehoward)Simone (GymBeanNZ)Paul (HippoHQ)

Monday May 17, 2021
Monday May 17, 2021
We're all fine, we promise!
GameFace! goes over how good Halo 4 is (or was), how bad Aery is, and what happens in Nexoria when you fight some books!How often do you get distracted when playing pretty games? For one of us, getting distracted is a common problem. From pretty snow to pretty cars to pretty sunsets... Some games are just too pretty!
We're getting ready for the #backToYourBacklog challenge in June. Check out our community calendar on Patreon to follow along all the events we have planned for every year, and join in on the fun! What game are you going to go back to?
Are you ready for our last ever episode of GameFace! where Simone and Kyle sound bad?Because thanks to our Patrons over at Patreon, we have bought ourselves brand new mics! If you have been supporting us on Patreon, or ever supported us on Patreon - we can't thank you enough.
If you liked this episode, don't feel ashamed.Rather, join the dozens of others that are following us.
You hosts are:
Kyle (XarCrius)Lee (Leehoward)Simone (GymBeanNZ)Paul (HippoHQ)

Thursday May 13, 2021
Thursday May 13, 2021
So much news! It's like a news-aggedon!
With Apple and Epic fighting in the courts, all the secrets are being spilled about everyone. And Xbox is no exception. S.T.A.L.K.E.R 2 apparently only has 3 months exclusivity, but we're not so sure. The Microsoft Store is reducing its cut to 12% in an effort to compete with Steam, which means we should be seeing some great deals on games on PC soon. Alas, don't hold out this hope for the Xbox Store...
If you have GamePass Ultimate, you get Spotify for 4 months for free! Conditions apply. Such as needing red shoes and a green hat.
Are you ready for #backToYourBacklog? Because that is coming next month. And Lee thinks he can play Mass Effect Legendary Edition... Like what? Should he be allowed to do that? We don't think so...
We're also going to be sending out a survey, so now is your chance to tell us what you think! Keep an eye on Twitter for when it goes live.
This was the first ever episode edited by Lee. How did he do? Does it sound better or worse compared to Producer Paul? We want to know! Reach out to us on Twitter and Discord and let us know.
If you liked this episode, don't feel ashamed.
Rather, join the dozens of others that are following us.
Your hosts are:
Kyle: XarCrius on Twitter, Xbox and Twitch
Lee: Leehoward on Twitter, Xbox and Leehoward25 Twitch
Simone: GymBeanNZ on Twitter and Xbox
Paul: HippoHQ on Twitter, Xbox, YouTube and Twitch

Tuesday May 11, 2021
Tuesday May 11, 2021
April is complete and that means its time for our wrap up!
Are you ready for the monster podcast of doom? Because you have gotten a monster podcast of doom!
As you know, every April we lay down the gauntlet to everyone - go hard for achievements, go hard for GamerScore, and just play EVERY GAME! This year, The Cast went super hard! Everyone bought their A game and we're taking apart all the cool stats.
From who won the most GamerScore, who won the most achievements, how did we stack up against Kingsman and did we actually manage to get any TrueAchievements score?
Join us on Twitch as we stream the podcast every week.
We're also going to put out a survey sometime soon - so make sure to keep an eye out for that.
If you liked this episode, don't feel ashamed.
Rather, join the dozens of others that are following us.
Your hosts are:
Kyle: XarCrius on Twitter, Xbox and Twitch
Lee: Leehoward on Twitter, Xbox and Leehoward25 Twitch
Simone: GymBeanNZ on Twitter and Xbox
Paul: HippoHQ on Twitter, Xbox, YouTube and Twitch

Monday May 03, 2021
Monday May 03, 2021
In what comes as shock to everyone, Lee admits he doesn't do any research!
We have a very important poll this week for everyone, but you'll have to listen till the very end to hear it.
The news is a bit random this week, as we transition to a new organizational tool. But that doesn't stop us getting really excited about Azure Game Dev Cloud Version 2! This service could really change the way indie devs develop games.
The Xbox app gets leaderboards and even is landscape aware, which is amazing. You should totally try this out!
Join us on Twitch when we record the podcast live every week. And don't forget to tune in for our April Achievement Wrap Up Episode! Its sure to be a big one!
If you liked this episode, don't feel ashamed.
Rather, join the dozens of others that are following us.
Your hosts are:
Kyle: XarCrius on Twitter, Xbox and Twitch
Lee: Leehoward on Twitter, Xbox and Leehoward25 Twitch
Simone: GymBeanNZ on Twitter and Xbox
Paul: HippoHQ on Twitter, Xbox, YouTube and Twitch

Monday Apr 26, 2021
Monday Apr 26, 2021
Birds don't have thumbs, which makes it super hard for them to play drums.
Look at all the facts you learn when you listen to us.
The April Achievement Challenge is just past the midway point, and the competition is ramping up! Who are you rooting for?
This challenge has forced us to play every game known to man - good, bad and GamerScore fountains. From playing Donut County to Gears POP...
Don't forget to join our Discord and follow us on Patreon!
Our current funding is going directly into making the podcast sound better. We're looking at getting a proper sound desk and webcam for Kyle and Simone. Your support on Patreon will help us get there!
If you liked this episode, don't feel ashamed.
Rather, join the dozens of others that are following us.
Your hosts are:
Kyle: XarCrius on Twitter, Xbox and Twitch
Lee: Leehoward on Twitter, Xbox and Leehoward25 Twitch
Simone: GymBeanNZ on Twitter and Xbox
Paul: HippoHQ on Twitter, Xbox, YouTube and Twitch