The XboxCast

Funny first. Factual second. ™ Join us every week for a hilarious and entertaining dive into the world of Xbox. Whether you’re a gamer with a job, a gamer with kids, or just a gamer with too many hobbies, we’ve got you covered. Get your Xbox news fix in #NuNews, laugh along with our latest gaming adventures in #GameFace! or keep yourself regular with our Regular Show for your weekly dose of Xbox goodness. Our podcast, community, and movement aim to bring a positive and upbeat voice to all things Xbox! And to top it all off, The XboxCast is the longest-running Xbox podcast from Down Under! So, come for the laughs, stay for the games, and be part of our awesome community. To find out more about the podcast, the hosts, and the monthly events, visit their home on the web @ or join the Discord @

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Wednesday Feb 27, 2019

Remember our "What Have We Been Playing?" section? Or our "Games Played This Week"? Or as Lee put it "So what have you been playing Kyle?"
No? Ok, never mind! Onwards. 
Strap in for this episode, as the entire Xboxcast have managed to find themselves addicted (or at least playing excessively) Rocket League! From Kyle driving into Lee, to Lee swearing at Kyle, and Simone yelling at everyone, much fun was had and we even have proof on Mixer! Simone is still struggling to satisfy the aliens in Stardew Valley (I thought this was a farming game?), Kyle and Lee did their first Destiny Nightfall together - which is a cause for celebration, and Lee has even played the indie game of the year - Celeste. What did he think about it? You'll just have to listen to find out. 
All this and more on this episode of GameFace!
If you liked this episode, don't feel ashamed.
Rather, join the dozens of others that are following us
Your hosts are:
Kyle: XarCrius on Twitter, Xbox and Mixer
Lee: Leehoward on Twitter, Xbox and Mixer
Simone: GymBean44 on Twitter and Xbox
Paul: HippoHQ on Twitter, Xbox, YouTube and Mixer

#304: NuNews For February 18th

Saturday Feb 23, 2019

Saturday Feb 23, 2019

Welcome to Nu News - a new series from The Xboxcast.
Nu News show cases all the Xbox news you need to know about for the week past. That covers the News part of Nu News, so whats this magical Nu? Thats for all the Nu games coming out (or have come out) for the week! And together we have Nu News!
This week we want to clothe ourselves in Xbox Onesies, we're sad about at least one game leaving Xbox Game Pass, but manage to console ourselves with a few new games coming to Xbox Game Pass! Final Fantasy IX has arrived on Xbox & Windows 10 and Crackdown 3 gives everyone a brand new bonus pack for free. Daddy Duck says "Quack! Quack!"  
On the releases, we have a small game, you may have heard of - Anthem! Be sure to tune into a future episode of GameFace! to hear Lee talk all about it... Looks like this could very well be the new Destiny.
Kyle and Lee go over all this and more on this week's episode of Nu News! 
If you liked this episode, don't feel ashamed.
Rather, join the dozens of others that are following us
Your hosts are:
Kyle: XarCrius on Twitter, Xbox and Mixer
Lee: Leehoward on Twitter, Xbox and Mixer
Simone: GymBean44 on Twitter and Xbox
Paul: HippoHQ on Twitter, Xbox, YouTube and Mixer

#303: Nu News For February 11th

Saturday Feb 16, 2019

Saturday Feb 16, 2019

Welcome to Nu News - a new series from The Xboxcast.
Nu News show cases all the Xbox news you need to know about for the week past. That covers the News part of Nu News, so whats this magical Nu? Thats for all the Nu games coming out (or have come out) for the week! And together we have Nu News!
This week, we step up our BOOM with the launch of Crackdown 3! Jump on JUMP FORCE, Exit the metro with Metro Exodus and see the dawn of a new Far Cry. And thats just on Friday! Its am massive week for game launches.
And now for the news... Apex Legends is the most played game. Period. We can all go home now. Its done. With 25 million players in the first week and being the most watched on Twitch, it looks like the sun might be setting on Fortnite... Old games are new again with Icewind Dale, Baldur's Gate, Planetscape: Torment and other classic RPGs coming to Xbox. Activision earns a record profit and celebrates by firing close to 800 people. 
We have also decided to be beer critics. For the reasons that we have. It might not be such a good idea... 
Kyle and Lee go over all this and more on this week's episode of Nu News! 
If you liked this episode, don't feel ashamed.
Rather, join the dozens of others that are following us
Your hosts are:
Kyle: XarCrius on Twitter, Xbox and Mixer
Lee: Leehoward on Twitter, Xbox and Mixer
Simone: GymBean44 on Twitter and Xbox
Paul: HippoHQ on Twitter, Xbox, YouTube and Mixer

Tuesday Feb 12, 2019

A brand new, totally exciting, and did we mention new, series from The Xboxcast. 
In this very special episode, we have all just come down from the hype of playing the Anthem public beta and share some thoughts on it. 
Should you buy it? Why or why not? What did you dislike about Anthem? What did you really like about Anthem? We answer all these questions in this very special episode of GameFace! 
So what are you waiting for? Get your GameFace on!
If you liked this episode, don't feel ashamed.
Rather, join the dozens of others that are following us
Your hosts are:
Kyle: XarCrius on Twitter, Xbox and Mixer
Lee: Leehoward on Twitter, Xbox and Mixer
Simone: GymBean44 on Twitter and Xbox
Paul: HippoHQ on Twitter, Xbox, YouTube and Mixer

Sunday Feb 10, 2019

Welcome to Nu News - a new series from The Xboxcast.
Nu News show cases all the Xbox news you need to know about for the week past. That covers the News part of Nu News, so whats this magical Nu? Thats for all the Nu games coming out (or have come out) for the week! And together we have Nu News!
Inside Xbox happened and boy did it come with all the news! Microsoft Game Studios are now Xbox Game Studios and Kyle and Lee debate this change and what it could mean. Halo: Outpost Discovery is here to disappoint everyone not in the US, Crackdown 3 is looking amazing and Sea of Thieves is getting a super mega awesome update for its first birthday! 
In some exciting news, Shadow of the Tomb Raider and Batman: Return to Arkham are coming to GamePass! And that have everyone super excited. Mortal Kombat 11 is getting a new fighter and a brand new Special Edition Sport Red controller was shown off. 
And thats just the news from Inside Xbox! 
For some cool podcast news, we now have a Patreon! So please check that out.
If you liked this episode, don't feel ashamed.
Rather, join the dozens of others that are following us.
Your hosts are:
Kyle: XarCrius on Twitter, Xbox and Mixer
Lee: Leehoward on Twitter, Xbox and Mixer
Simone: GymBean44 on Twitter and Xbox
Paul: HippoHQ on Twitter, Xbox, YouTube and Mixer

#301 - GameFace!

Sunday Feb 03, 2019

Sunday Feb 03, 2019

A brand new, totally exciting, and did we mention new, series from The Xboxcast. 
Remember our "What Have We Been Playing?" section? Or our "Games Played This Week"? Or as Lee put it "So what have you been playing Kyle?"
No? Ok, never mind! Onwards. 
GameFace is all about the games we have been playing this week, including the now infamous Anthem VIP Demo. Since its our first GameFace of the year, we have a lot to cover - all the games of December and Janurary from Kyle, Lee and Simone. 
Kyle got sucked into Mass Effect: Andromeda, Lee decided summer was a great time for not one, but two, football games and Simone has one of the best Final Fantasty XV stories we've ever heard. All this and more in this episode of GameFace!
If you liked this episode, don't feel ashamed.
Rather, join the dozens of others that are following us
Your hosts are:
Kyle: XarCrius on Twitter, Xbox and Mixer
Lee: Leehoward on Twitter, Xbox and Mixer
Simone: GymBean44 on Twitter and Xbox
Paul: HippoHQ on Twitter, Xbox, YouTube and Mixer

Friday Feb 01, 2019

Season 3 - all that changes is everything!
Welcome to Nu News - a new series from The Xboxcast.
Nu News show cases all the Xbox news you need to know about for the week past. That covers the News part of Nu News, so whats this magical Nu? Thats for all the Nu games coming out (or have come out) for the week! And together we have Nu News!
In the news this week we have a lot to go through since we were off for a month or seven... Bungie and Activision broke up, Forza Horizon 4 races past 7 million players, Sea of Thieves is shrinking its game size and EA has managed to shoot itself in the foot by canceling Money Maker, I mean, Star Wars Open World. All this and more in this week's Nu News!
On the game releases, we have the fabled Kingdom Hearts 3 and a bunch of other ID@Xbox games. But Kingdom Hearts 3 is finally here guys! Can you believe it? 
For those that are worried about the game stories, don't be. We still have a surprise or two for you this season. There is more to come from the Xboxcast, so be sure to follow us.
If you liked this episode, don't feel ashamed.
Rather, join the dozens of others that are following us
Your hosts are:
Kyle: XarCrius on Twitter, Xbox and Mixer
Lee: Leehoward on Twitter, Xbox and Mixer
Simone: GymBean44 on Twitter and Xbox
Paul: HippoHQ on Twitter, Xbox, YouTube and Mixer

A Conversation With Marc

Tuesday Dec 18, 2018

Tuesday Dec 18, 2018

Joining us today is Marc from Red Scar Publishing which is publishing a tabletop RPG and a board game called Devil's Run - Mad Max meets dice rolling. And he has even won an ENnie! We are in the presence of greatness. 
We get hyped about The Outer Worlds, and other Game Awards announcements, before putting Marc on the spot and asking him all the odd and strange questions. From getting Marc to explain a lot about Devil's Run and why its set up to use a 2d20 system. But our questions don't end there!  
With Marc being an old friend of Lee, we learn all about Murphs Peanut Church. Which, maybe we should have cut. But we didnt. So enjoy!
Mac joins us over Skype, so please excuse the echo - we're still getting used to these remote interview/conversation type things... 
If you liked this episode, don't feel ashamed.
Rather, join the dozens of others that are following us
Your hosts are:
Kyle: XarCrius on Twitter, Xbox and Mixer
Lee: Leehoward on Twitter, Xbox and Mixer
Simone: GymBean44 on Twitter and Xbox
Paul: HippoHQ on Twitter, Xbox, YouTube and Mixer

Saturday Dec 08, 2018

Its the last official episode for The Xboxcast, and since everyone else is doing it, we will do it too! Presenting The Xboxcast's Game Awards for 2018. How exciting is this? Answer: its very exciting. 
Like any typical award show, the categories are made up and the points don't matter. With that in mind we don't have a clear winner or loser, or even nominations. We go purely by personal preference. Because that way, we can't be wrong! Its a complete win-win situation.
The categories we have chosen to talk about for our award show this year are... (drum roll please)- Biggest surprise of 2018- Best story
- Best (or biggest) time sink (any guesses for Lee's answer?)- Best looking (because who doesn't like eye candy?)
- Best multiplayer game- Best score
- Best mobile game (because sometimes we do game on the go)
- Your holiday game (we all have that one in our backlog)
- What are you looking forward to in 2019
- Our honorable mention list (we all have those great games that didn't make the cut) 
- Anti Game of the Year
And finally
- Game of the Year 2018 as decided by each of us
Reminder: These are the games that we played this year and not the games that came out this year...
Thank you guys for listening. Its been a pleasure to have you along for the ride! We hope to see you all in 2019 with even better, funnier and many more stories about our gaming adventures. Or lack thereof. Until then, have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
We'll see you on Xbox Live! 
If you liked this episode, don't feel ashamed.
Rather, join the dozens of others that are following us
Your hosts are:
Kyle: XarCrius on Twitter, Xbox and Mixer
Lee: Leehoward on Twitter, Xbox and Mixer
Simone: GymBean44 on Twitter and Xbox
Paul: HippoHQ on Twitter, Xbox, YouTube and Mixer

#239: Some Fish Are Copyrighted

Saturday Dec 01, 2018

Saturday Dec 01, 2018

We have a podcast, and we think its awesome. 
Spyro is back, in a fantastic remaster, and Simone has gone all hands on with it! Does he fly the same? Is he the same colour? Whats the airspeed of an unlaiden swallow? She knows the answers to all these and more! 
Lee tries his hand at Ducati 90th Anniversary and finds two wheels less impressive than four, while Kyle tries to stream The Solus Project and have it fail misseribly (but its still up if you want to see what went wrong!)
Lee was also alone when he tried Thomas is Alone - a game about sentient blocks. Its a lot more entertaining than it sounds, trust us. 
For the exciting news, Microsoft have given their new studios what seems like an unlimited budget to realize their wildest dreams and make the game they have always wanted to make. If that doesn't get you excited, nothing will! 
If you liked this episode, don't feel ashamed.
Rather, join the dozens of others that are following us
Your hosts are:
Kyle: XarCrius on Twitter, Xbox and Mixer
Lee: Leehoward on Twitter, Xbox and Mixer
Simone: GymBean44 on Twitter and Xbox
Paul: HippoHQ on Twitter, Xbox, YouTube and Mixer

Monday Nov 26, 2018

With the internet having a meltdown, and everyone else suffering from the fallout, we have arrived to bring some much needed perspective into your lives. Nothing is as bad as it seems, not even Lee's face.
Simone is away, so what better time to rope Paul on and have him tell us about Fallout 76. From what he thinks, to how hes found some bugs and even some cool environmental storytelling - Paul does a great job of making Fallout 76 sound like it belongs in the fallout universe. Remember to tell us what you guys think. Is Paul off the mark, or is the internet just its usual, whiny self?
Lee plays a lot of games. Like a lot a lot. Like just when you think it shouldn't be possible for a working man to play so many games, Lee plays one more. We're not even angry, we're impressed. The Turning Test shows Lee what we all suspected, Grip doesn't hold Lee's attention, Unravel makes him come apart at the seams and of course there is some Destiny and Forza Horizon 4 to add some variety. 
Farming Simulator 19 has us all excited to play this week. Its not a joke. Farming co-op with your friends sounds amazing. And there is a little game called Battlefield V that was released this week. 
For some news, we talk about the Xbox diskless rumor and why its a good idea, PixARK is free and the backCompat team show us how far they can go technologically with the release of Final Fantasy XIII on Xbox One!
If you liked this episode, don't feel ashamed.
Rather, join the dozens of others that are following us
Your hosts are:
Kyle: XarCrius on Twitter, Xboxand Mixer
Lee: Leehoward on Twitter, Xbox and Mixer
Simone: GymBean44 on Twitter, Xboxand Mixer
Paul: HippoHQ on Twitter, Xbox, YouTube and Mixer

#237: XO18 eXcitement!

Friday Nov 16, 2018

Friday Nov 16, 2018

Do you like the new news, like Lee likes the nu-news?
Well you're in luck! This episode is news from start to finish. Everything Xbox announced at XO18 is discussed and dissected by our panel of judges - those being Kyle and Lee of course. 
XO18 took place in Mexico City and was chockfull of announcements - from new studios joining the Microsoft family, to updates and expansions for existing games, and even a bucket load of games coming to Game Pass. 
We even take a deepish dive into the tech behind Crackdown 3 and what it means for the future of Xbox and gaming.
Also, remember to take a photo of you gaming with a buddy and hashtag it #GiveWithXbox! 
If you liked this episode, don't feel ashamed.
Rather, join the dozens of others that are following us
Your hosts are:
Kyle: XarCrius on Twitter and Xbox and now Mixer
Lee: Leehoward on Twitter, Xbox and Mixer
Simone: GymBean44 on Twitter and Xbox
Paul: HippoHQ on Twitter, Xbox, YouTube and Mixer

This podcast is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

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