The XboxCast
Funny first. Factual second. ™ Join us every week for a hilarious and entertaining dive into the world of Xbox. Whether you’re a gamer with a job, a gamer with kids, or just a gamer with too many hobbies, we’ve got you covered. Get your Xbox news fix in #NuNews, laugh along with our latest gaming adventures in #GameFace! or keep yourself regular with our Regular Show for your weekly dose of Xbox goodness. Our podcast, community, and movement aim to bring a positive and upbeat voice to all things Xbox! And to top it all off, The XboxCast is the longest-running Xbox podcast from Down Under! So, come for the laughs, stay for the games, and be part of our awesome community. To find out more about the podcast, the hosts, and the monthly events, visit their home on the web @ or join the Discord @

Friday Sep 08, 2023
Friday Sep 08, 2023
Is our start overstaying it's welcome?
Do we need something that slaps? Or a banger?
It's not really Lee's birthday, but that won't stop us from wishing Lee anyways. If you see Lee hanging about in the Discord, wish him happy birthday! So, we moved #nuNews to another night to help Lee experience Starfield for his fake birthday.
Starfield rocks to the top of the charts, and it's not even technically out yet. A new king has emerged! Welcome to the new charts. You have been warned. And to celebrate, Xbox is releasing Starfield flavoured wraps for your Series X! Gotta keep him warm while you explore the galaxy in the 21st century.
In sad news, Embracer is shutting down the studio behind the Saint's Row series. Looks like the latest release didn't exactly ignite the hype. Lots of finger pointing, but in the end, it seems to have just been a bad game. Never mind all the modern day baggage they added to it.
And while Starfield is stealing all the hype, Cyberpunk's version 2 release is coming. And's it's looking really good! So what features will you get with the update and what features are locked behind the Phantom Liberty expansion? Well, you're in luck! We're here to tell you what's what.
You are what helps this podcast grow. So please take a few seconds out of your day to rate or share the podcast with someone you think will enjoy it as much as you do!
For previous episodes, all our socials, community events, and more, visit
Your hosts are:
Kyle: XarCrius on Xbox and Twitter
Lee: Leehoward on Xbox and Twitter
Simone: GymBeanNZ on Xbox and Twitter

Saturday Sep 02, 2023
Saturday Sep 02, 2023
It's embarrassing how organised we are.
In fact, we could just about be the most organised podcast ever!
Lee fights the man-flu to bring you the latest Xbox News. We thank him for his service and sacrifice live on the podcast. He was adequate.
There's a ton of more Gamescom news! More stuff happened! The Future Games Show apparently. And guess what? It's all about games that are coming out. Aren't all game shows focused on games coming out? But we digress... New games! And mostly indies! Look at us growing as a podcast...
No Man's Sky has gotten yet another big and impressive update, bringing a new robot race into the universe. And you can get a special staff! Or turn your traveller into one of them. The robots really are taking over.
And of course, we have a bunch of Starfield news. Because we're an Xbox podcast, and Starfield is now the talk of Xbox. So we must talk about it. Or we'll have our gamer creds taken off us.
And please excuse the technical difficulties that Kyle experienced. The joy of remote recording... How does Lee handle the pressure of being the lone host of Kay Go Kay Lee?
Join us on Friday, September 8th, as we live stream Simone's final #GameFace! episode. We even have a special treat for you guys as it also happens to be our 50th show this year! We'll be live streaming on Kick and YouTube, but if you can't be there live, you still get to enoy the audio later.
Don't forget that we're doing a massive YouTube push, and we need your help. Go to our YouTube channel, watch the podcast on there, subscribe, like share and just be that annoying person who tells the world about us. You sharing the podcast is how we grow. So, if you enjoyed this episode, please share it on all your social media and tag us! We're everywhere. Even in your house...
For previous episodes, all our socials, community events, and more, visit
Your hosts are:
Kyle: XarCrius on Xbox and Twitter
Lee: Leehoward on Xbox and Twitter
Simone: GymBeanNZ on Xbox and Twitter

Thursday Aug 31, 2023
Thursday Aug 31, 2023
August is coming to an end, and so is our Patron's Puzzling Picks.
Kyle and Simone have continued with ExoPrimal (against their will) and are trying hard to follow the "story" and "care about the game." All while Lee has completely given up on it.
Simone is warming up to Stray. Maybe it takes a while to let the cat out of this bag? Kyle has some thoughts about Resident Evil 2, and how these two games seem to be developed by completely different companies... And Lee tried Age of Empires, before going straight back into Diablo IV.
Outside of the event, the hype for Starfield has truly taken its hold, and given Kyle an obsession with No Man's Sky. Especially with the Echos update and all the great stuff it brings. And he's managed to drag Simone into the NMS universe too...
Don't forget that we're doing a massive YouTube push, and we need your help. Go to our YouTube channel, watch the podcast on there, subscribe, like share and just be that annoying person who tells the world about us. You sharing the podcast is how we grow. So, if you enjoyed this episode, please share it on all your social media and tag us! We're everywhere. Even in your house...
For previous episodes, all our socials, community events, and more, visit
Your hosts are:
Kyle: XarCrius on Xbox and Twitter
Lee: Leehoward on Xbox and Twitter
Simone: GymBeanNZ on Xbox and Twitter

Saturday Aug 26, 2023
Saturday Aug 26, 2023
Gamescom! Gamescom! Gamescom!
Let us summarise all you need to know.
In case you missed it, Xbox bought the fire to this year's Gamescom in Germany. From info on existing games to shadow dropping Age of Empires - Kyle and Lee will cover everything you need to know. Don't have time to sit and watch the full 2-hour recap? We have you covered with our 2-hour recap! You're welcome.
In a shock move, Microsoft is selling the Cloud Streaming Rights of all Activision Blizzard games to Ubisoft! As this is no longer the sticking point of the CMA, could the deal finally go through? And it's been confirmed that Sony only has an agreement with Microsoft for COD - no other titles. How will this play out? No one knows yet, but it should be over soon (we hope).
And this week, certain fanboi's decided to comment on the leaked start screen of Starfield. Looks like this massive game has some people regretting their loyalties to a plastic box... Will you be jumping in Early Access with Kyle, or are you more like Lee and waiting for the mods and patches to fix Starfield? What ever you choose, you can't deny this hype train!
All this and more on this episode of #NuNews!
You sharing the podcast is how we grow. So, if you enjoyed this episode, please share it on all your social media and tag us! We're everywhere. Even in your house...
For previous episodes, all our socials, community events, and more, visit
Your hosts are:
Kyle: XarCrius on Xbox and Twitter
Lee: Leehoward on Xbox and Twitter
Simone: GymBeanNZ on Xbox and Twitter

Thursday Aug 24, 2023
Thursday Aug 24, 2023
A new font appears, and Lee has thoughts.
The zeros are the rectangles of Ohs!
Join us as we talk about this week's Xbox Adventures.
The Cast is still playing their Patron's Puzzling Picks for this month. Lee has finished his first game and is now on to Age of Empires. Pretty good going for a month! Kyle has some very good Top Tips™️ for Resident Evil 2 Remaster, and Simone has thoughts on Stray! Did Stray deserve the Game of the Year nomination, or was it only nominated because of its exclusivity?
Don't forget that we're doing a massive YouTube push, and we need your help. Go to our YouTube channel, watch the podcast on there, subscribe, like share and just be that annoying person who tells the world about us. You sharing the podcast is how we grow. So, if you enjoyed this episode, please share it on all your social media and tag us! We're everywhere. Even in your house...
For previous episodes, all our socials, community events, and more, visit
Your hosts are:
Kyle: XarCrius on Xbox and Twitter
Lee: Leehoward on Xbox and Twitter
Simone: GymBeanNZ on Xbox and Twitter

Monday Aug 14, 2023
Monday Aug 14, 2023
All the Xbox News from the last week.
We help you catch up on everything you've missed. And things you haven't.
Lee is rebelling against society by not taking photos of his food. What even is this? How can you just get your food, and *not* take a photo? It boggles the mind.
Xbox will soon allow you to stream to your Discord servers! Straight from the Xbox! Is this the return of Mixer's Co-Streaming? Will you be using it? Are you looking for a Discord to join that will allow this new feature? Well, you're formally invited to jump into our Discord and stream away.
Gamescom is coming up quickly and Xbox will have the biggest both ever! Thirty titles will be playable, showing that Xbox is super confident in their line up this year. We're huge fans of this confident Xbox. And with Starfield coming out soon, it didn't stop the concern trolling. If only the ones doing the trolling took a history lesson instead.
Quake II Remastered has been unleased on the world and we're trying really hard to not play it! Since we're all in on Patron's Puzzling Picks. You'll just have to wait for our next #GameFace! episode to see if we managed to hold out.
All this and more on this episode of #NuNews!
Don't forget that we're doing a massive YouTube push, and we need your help. Go to our YouTube channel, watch the podcast on there, subscribe, like share and just be that annoying person who tells the world about us. You sharing the podcast is how we grow. So, if you enjoyed this episode, please share it on all your social media and tag us! We're everywhere. Even in your house...
For previous episodes, all our socials, community events, and more, visit
Your hosts are:
Kyle: XarCrius on Xbox and Twitter
Lee: Leehoward on Xbox and Twitter
Simone: GymBeanNZ on Xbox and Twitter

Saturday Aug 12, 2023
Saturday Aug 12, 2023
Patrons Puzzling Picks is now live!
That's right folks, Patron's Puzzling Picks is now live, and we even have our first completion from the event. Lee was so excited with his Horse Game that he spent all weekend playing it. How does it stack up next to Diablo? How did he win the Horse Cup Award? Did he make lifelong friends in Horse Valley? So many questions! And only Lee has the answers. Along with his Twitch stream...
Kyle has landed on Resident Evil 2 and think you should all play it. It's got just the right mix of old school PS2 game play bought into a modern light. It does everything right. You honestly have no excuse now. Unless of course you're taking part in the event too. In which case, you need to focus on your own game. Get that finished. Then play Resident Evil 2. You gaming life will thank you.
And all three of the cast jumped into Exoprimal. And do we have some thoughts! How can shooting hordes of dinosaurs be this bad? And how do you release a game in this state? In fact, this game is so bad, even one of our viewers of the live stream gets into a massive rant about this game. We are starting to think our Patrons are trolling us.
Don't forget that we're doing a massive YouTube push, and we need your help. Go to our YouTube channel, watch the podcast on there, subscribe, like share and just be that annoying person who tells the world about us. You sharing the podcast is how we grow. So, if you enjoyed this episode, please share it on all your social media and tag us! We're everywhere. Even in your house...
For previous episodes, all our socials, community events, and more, visit
Your hosts are:
Kyle: XarCrius on Xbox and Twitter
Lee: Leehoward on Xbox and Twitter
Simone: GymBeanNZ on Xbox and Twitter

Monday Aug 07, 2023
Monday Aug 07, 2023
You didn't know you needed this news.
Just like that bacon and egg pie you're currently craving...
We race into pole position with the release of F1 Manager 2023, and that seems to be the only good game coming out this week. Nothing is of note, so Lee struggles to stay awake. Can Kyle's puns keep him awake?
This week is controller news heavy - from new controllers from Xbox to new custom controllers where you can add a wheel, to even replacement parts of your Elite controller. Looks like we need to take control of the news!
Final Fantasy XIV is coming to Xbox! And Square Enix has committed to more games on Xbox too. If you're a Square fan, then this is your birthday. Phil has delivered on his promise of Japanese games on Xbox and its paying off! Are you excited? Kyle is excited. Even Lee is slightly excited. Its time to get hyped!
In some sad news, the Xbox Console Companion app is being retired. And there's no replacement on PC if you want to see anything of the social side of Xbox. If you're a PC gamer, you should be filling out all the feedback to let Microsoft know what a stupid idea this really is.
Don't forget that we're doing a massive YouTube push, and we need your help. Go to our YouTube channel, watch the podcast on there, subscribe, like share and just be that annoying person who tells the world about us. You sharing the podcast is how we grow. So, if you enjoyed this episode, please share it on all your social media and tag us! We're everywhere. Even in your house...
For previous episodes, all our socials, community events, and more, visit
Your hosts are:
Kyle: XarCrius on Xbox and Twitter
Lee: Leehoward on Xbox and Twitter
Simone: GymBeanNZ on Xbox and Twitter

Friday Aug 04, 2023
Friday Aug 04, 2023
We've become to powerful!
They cannot nerf us.
Kyle goes on a tirade against Adobe and their so-called photo organisation tools. Or lack thereof. Causing him to lose most of his photo backup. This has nothing to do with games, but since you're listening, we are just going to assume you care about our lives now.
Patrons Puzzling Picks is about to kick off, so we recap what that means for us and for the community. What games will we be playing? Will Lee be playing a horse game? Is Kyle forced to play The Evil Within? And why are the Patron's so kind to Simone? We suspect theres some favourtism going on here... We're onto you!
Lee surpirses no one with his obscession with Diablo IV, Kyle is in a Gears mood, and Simone has played more than all of them. Get rady for all out gaming advetures in this week's episode of #GameFace!
Don't forget that we're doing a massive YouTube push, and we need your help. Go to our YouTube channel, watch the podcast on there, subscribe, like share and just be that annoying person who tells the world about us. You sharing the podcast is how we grow. So, if you enjoyed this episode, please share it on all your social media and tag us! We're everywhere. Even in your house...
For previous episodes, all our socials, community events, and more, visit
Your hosts are:
Kyle: XarCrius on Xbox and Twitter
Lee: Leehoward on Xbox and Twitter
Simone: GymBeanNZ on Xbox and Twitter

Monday Jul 31, 2023
Monday Jul 31, 2023
Lee keeps running out of news.
It's clearly time to start making stuff up.
After much struggling, we find some news for you. Because we're kind like that. And because you deserve it. Now it's up to you to share the podcast with your friends and family...
Xbox allows mapping keyboard keys to controller buttons. Is this because World of Warcraft is coming to consoles? It would be a very good test to see if controller support works for these PC exclusive games. Ubisoft has canceled the Fenyx Rising sequel. One of the games that everyone praises Ubisoft for. And they cancel it. Is this on purpose? Is Ubisoft trying to be bought by being so bad? Add to this that Ubisoft are deleting Ubi-Accounts. It's been a bad a week for Ubisoft fans.
Don't forget that we're doing a massive YouTube push, and we need your help. Go to our YouTube channel, watch the podcast on there, subscribe, like share and just be that annoying person who tells the world about us. You sharing the podcast is how we grow. So, if you enjoyed this episode, please share it on all your social media and tag us! We're everywhere. Even in your house...
For previous episodes, all our socials, community events, and more, visit
Your hosts are:
Kyle: XarCrius on Xbox and Twitter
Lee: Leehoward on Xbox and Twitter
Simone: GymBeanNZ on Xbox and Twitter

Friday Jul 28, 2023
Friday Jul 28, 2023
Next month our gaming future is in your hands.
Who's chosen to be cruel, and who's chosen to be kind?
In August, we're doing Patron's Puzzling Picks - leaving our gaming future up to our Patreons. Is this a good idea or a great idea? And to make sure we don't suffer alone, we're getting the Patrons to choose games for their fellow Patrons! It's Christmas! In August? No one ever said we're great with timings.
Simone has done it! She has played more games in one week than Lee did. We really are in a weird timeline... Saving the world in Fenyx Rising, racing through the streets in Need for Speed Unbound and spying on nuns canoodling in the library in Pentiment - Simone has crossed every genre.
Kyle is getting excited about factory building games. Wanna build a factory? It has to be a factory! Dyson Sphere Factory is on Game Pass PC and it's highly recomemended you play it. If factory building is your thing. And it's not really Lee's thing as he is stuck in Diablo. He may have a problem.
Don't forget that we're doing a massive YouTube push, and we need your help. Go to our YouTube channel, watch the podcast on there, subscribe, like share and just be that annoying person who tells the world about us. You sharing the podcast is how we grow. So if you enjoyed this episode, please share it on all your social media and tag us! We're everywhere. Even in your house...
For previous episodes, all our socials, community events, and more, visit
Your hosts are:
Kyle: XarCrius on Xbox and Twitter
Lee: Leehoward on Xbox and Twitter
Simone: GymBeanNZ on Xbox and Twitter

Saturday Jul 22, 2023
Saturday Jul 22, 2023
It's the Lee and Paul show.
And Paul is kind enough to let Lee be the boss.
This week, it's a deluge of news as suddenly everyone covering the Activision Blizzard deal now must find other news stories to cover. Lee yet again finds all the most important news stories just for you. Including our beloved True Achievement's Game Play Charts.
Xbox Game Pass Family & Friends Plan has come to an end. Was the trial unsuccessful or did too many people take advantage of it? Microsoft is sure to be tight lipped about the program until we see it launch world wide.
And have you tried to pick up an Xbox Series X yet? Chances are you 'll find they have been selling out. Why, you ask. Well Microsoft has fixed the old Call of Duty multiplayer servers, which means Xbox is the only place to enjoy all the old COD titles. Sony has also agreed to keep COD on PlayStation, but this is only for COD. It looks like other Activision Blizzard games are about to become Xbox Exclusive!
And Phil Spencer has worked his magic in the background by bringing the Antstream Arcade collection to Xbox. Whatever your thoughts on the man is, he sure is sticking by his word of keeping gaming preservation alive.
Please remember to subscribe to our YouTube channel. We need a small nation of subscribers before YouTube takes us seriously. And we very much want to be taken seriously. I am sure you agree...
For everything about the podcast, check out our ⭐ official website ⭐!
Follow us on Twitter, find all our links on LinkTree and support us on Patreon.
Your hosts are:
Kyle: XarCrius on Xbox and Twitter
Lee: Leehoward on Xbox and Twitter
Simone: GymBeanNZ on Xbox and Twitter