The XboxCast

Season 6


Saturday Oct 29, 2022

#TerrorGameToberFace is still upon us. 
And The Blair Witch even allowed Lee and Simone to come out and play. 
Lee is firmly entrenched in Gotham Knights. To the point that we have almost his entire play through on our YouTube channel. Make sure to check it out if you're wanting to see what all the fuss is about. 
Kyle has some handy tips for all you Scorn players. And is making sure to not get too grossed out by adding some Overwatch 2 to the mix. 
Just for funsies, he started a new game. A PC game! Queue the shock and horror. But don't jump to conclusions just yet - this one is on GamePass for PC and is a factory building game. Are you ready for you next obsession? 
Simone is still playing A Plauge Tale, and has some quick facts for us! Who says we don't tech you anything? Because then they'll be lying. 
We went to #PAXAUS! And we were all together. In the same room! So we did what we did best, and recorded a podcast. You can listen to it, and find everything else about us, here! 
If you'd like to support the podcast, but don't know how, then just leave a review on your podcast platform of choice. It takes 2 seconds and helps in more ways than you can imagine. 
For everything about the podcast, check out our official website! 
Follow us on Twitter, find all our links on LinkTree and support us on Patreon. 
Your hosts are:
Kyle: XarCrius on Xbox and Twitter
Lee: Leehoward on Xbox and Twitter 
Simone: GymBeanNZ on Xbox and Twitter 

Tuesday Oct 25, 2022

Is the Xbox Series S a potato? Are you a potato? Or are we all potatoes? 
News happens, and we're here to cover it. We have many top tips of the week, but the one that will help you the most is that cows do not, in fact, have hands. We debunk this myth through our amazing detective skills. You can thank us later. 
Gotham Knights is blaming the Xbox Series S for the 30 FPS cap, but in all testing, it shows that the little beast is outperforming the PS5. Smells like an excuse to us. So we eagerly await the backpedal when they release the 'optimisation' patch. How will they spin that?
There's rumours about devs getting the mid-gen refresh consoles soon, and this gets us all excited. What could an Xbox Series X 'S' version look like? What will the performance be? Kyle has some ideas that he's really passionate about, but don't quote him on that. What would you like to see in the mid-gen refresh? More powa? Slimmer design? Maybe something else... Like VR support? 
Microsoft is battling the CDM in the UK for the right to buy Activision Blizzard. By now everyone would have heard about it. That doesn't stop us from diving into the leaked, or newly made public, info thats come out. Including Xbox install base, Game Pass revenue, and Sony's blocking rights. We go over all the info, take apart what it all means, and just get a heartly laugh at the corner Sony has painted itself into. 
Are you looking to get into streaming but don't know where to start? Lucky for you, we have a run down of the top 7 capture cards and what that means. But don't get lost. Join our friendly #Discord server where you'll find everyone eager to help you get started on your streaming journey today. 
We went to #PAXAUS! And we were all together. In the same room! So we did what we did best, and recorded a podcast. You can listen to it, and find everything else about us, here! 
If you'd like to support the podcast, but don't know how, then just leave a review on your podcast platform of choice. It takes 2 seconds and helps in more ways than you can imagine. But if you feel like that's too easy, then please share it around - social media, word of mouth, sending the link to your family group chat - anything and everything helps us find more cool people. People like you. 
For everything about the podcast, check out our official website! 
Follow us on Twitter, find all our links on LinkTree and support us on Patreon. 
Your hosts are:
Kyle: XarCrius on Xbox and Twitter
Lee: Leehoward on Xbox and Twitter 
Simone: GymBeanNZ on Xbox and Twitter 

#GameFace! I Have a France

Monday Oct 24, 2022

Monday Oct 24, 2022

Welcome to #TerrorGameToberFace! 
October is halfway done, or practically over, depending on how you look at it. But that doesn't stop us from remembering #terrorTober is a thing. A thing we do every year. A thing we're doing this year! 
And we've been playing some creepy, scary, thrilling games to keep you entertained. 
Lee has played through Alfred Hitchcock's Vertigo, and lucky for us, streamed the whole thing! It was on our Twitch channel, now it's on our YouTube channel. Want to play without wanting to play? We have you covered. Watch it now and give lee the creepy fuzzies. 
Simone is fending off rats in A Plague Tale: Innocence and gracing us with some amazing screenshots for Screenshot of the Week. How many rats are too many? And how does the game hold up after the Series X patch? Either way, you'll be scurrying back for more! 
While Scorn has Kyle in its very organic grip. Bones and flesh and lots of squelch. And a creature that is fused to a chair... If you're a fan of Alien, Prometheus or H.R. Giger, then Scorn is right up your alley.
But we didn't only play scary games. Oh no. We've been adventurous (naughty), and played other games too. What games exactly? Well, you'll just have to find out... Manical laugh! 
We went to #PAXAUS! And we were all together. In the same room! So we did what we did best, and recorded a podcast. You can listen to it, and find everything else about us, here! 
If you'd like to support the podcast, but don't know how, then just leave a review on your podcast platform of choice. It takes 2 seconds and helps in more ways than you can imagine. 
For everything about the podcast, check out our official website! 
Follow us on Twitter, find all our links on LinkTree and support us on Patreon. 
Your hosts are:
Kyle: XarCrius on Xbox and Twitter
Lee: Leehoward on Xbox and Twitter 
Simone: GymBeanNZ on Xbox and Twitter 

#NuNews: All The News

Tuesday Oct 18, 2022

Tuesday Oct 18, 2022

While we've been at PAX, news has been happening around us.
So, let's do it all! All the news, all at once.  
Two hours full of all the news you expect, and some you don't. 
The game play charts have had a big shake up, with the number one spot being taken by Overwatch 2! Finally, Fortnite has been kicked off the pedestal. But how long can this last? 
Microsoft has decided it's quite serious about buying Activision Blizzard, and decided to fact check Sony on their lies. You love to see it! And it's about time too. We've been hanging out for ages now. 
No Man's Sky gets a great quality of life update, but you can't jump into it yet. Not because the game servers are down *cough* Overwatch 2 *cough*, but because this month is #terrorTober! Join us in playing a scary game this month, and tell us all about on Discord. 
Need for Speed is back with, what is shaping up to be, their most impressive game since Underground 2. Anime meets arcade racing? We're here for it. 
And apparently The Witcher 3 is getting its next-gen patch this month. Kyle doesn't believe it, while Lee does. What a turn of events! Are you holding out hope for it? Or have you moved onto other games by now? 
We went to #PAXAUS! And we were all together. In the same room! So we did what we did best, and recorded a podcast. You can listen to it, and find everything else about us, here! 
If you'd like to support the podcast, but don't know how, then just leave a review on your podcast platform of choice. It takes 2 seconds and helps in more ways than you can imagine. But if you feel like that's too easy, then please share it around - social media, word of mouth, sending the link to your family group chat - anything and everything helps us find more cool people. People like you. 
For everything about the podcast, check out our official website! 
Follow us on Twitter, find all our links on LinkTree and support us on Patreon. 
Your hosts are:
Kyle: XarCrius on Xbox and Twitter
Lee: Leehoward on Xbox and Twitter 
Simone: GymBeanNZ on Xbox and Twitter 

The PAX Podcast

Saturday Oct 15, 2022

Saturday Oct 15, 2022

We did it.
We managed to get together at PAX Australia!
Join us as we cover everything #PAXAUS - what we liked, what we didn't, and everything in-between. Thanks to all the cool people we met at PAX and all the new and old fans we made along the way. Lee even live streamed some of it... 
If you'd like to support the podcast, but don't know how, then just leave a review on your podcast platform of choice. It takes 2 seconds and helps in more ways than you can imagine. But if you feel like that's too easy, then please share it around - social media, word of mouth, sending the link to your family group chat - anything and everything helps us find more cool people. People like you. 
For everything about the podcast, check out our official website! 
Follow us on Twitter, find all our links on LinkTree and support us on Patreon. 
Your hosts are:
Kyle: XarCrius on Xbox and Twitter
Lee: Leehoward on Xbox and Twitter 
Simone: GymBeanNZ on Xbox and Twitter 

#NuNews: Vaguely Organized

Saturday Sep 24, 2022

Saturday Sep 24, 2022

Are you ready for this podcast? 
Because we aren't. 
A quick announcement - we're taking a break from #GameFace! for a bit. With PAX heading our way and Kyle and Simone getting busy with life, it's best to take a chill pill and come back in time for #terrorTober. In the meantime, join our Discord and tell us what you're playing in October! 
Have we covered the Tokyo Game Show? Or was that another, dodgier, podcast? Well, if we haven't, we're about to go over it. All the exciting announcements that came out. From fighting games to Japanese games to surprise Game Pass drops - there's so much to go over. And as is expected with these things - almost everything is coming to #GamePass! 
343i has had a big shake up recently. Bonnie Ross has left and now we have three more peeps to try guide Halo along. Is this good news? Is this bad news? Or do you think, like Kyle, that this means the future for Halo Infinite is bright? 
Diablo IV is getting a beta test! How exciting! And it's all end game content? What does this mean... Avoiding story spoilers is the official reason Blizzard have given, but there's got to be more. Nightmare Dungeons incoming! And we are hyped! But the beta is only going out to those who have played a significant amount of Diablo III end game? Hmm... 
If you'd like to support the podcast, but don't know how, then just leave a review on your podcast platform of choice. It takes 2 seconds and helps in more ways than you can imagine. But if you feel like that's too easy, then please share it around - social media, word of mouth, sending the link to your family group chat - anything and everything helps us find more cool people. People like you. 
For everything about the podcast, check out our official website! 
Follow us on Twitter, find all our links on LinkTree and support us on Patreon. 
Your hosts are:
Kyle: XarCrius on Xbox and Twitter
Lee: Leehoward on Xbox and Twitter 
Simone: GymBeanNZ on Xbox and Twitter 

#NuNews: Super Bike Kampionship

Saturday Sep 17, 2022

Saturday Sep 17, 2022

Our episodes may be late, but no one is blaming anyone. 
We're getting excited for the Tokyo Game Show! Lee is going to do a live stream with some friends, so keep an eye on his Twitch channel or Twitter for updates. Although we won't blame you if you put him on mute. You may get some #nuNews spoilers...
As practice, he got up at 7AM on Sunday to stream a live reaction to Ubisoft Forward. We go over everything that was covered. And the answer is... not much. So don't get too excited. The Division 2, The Division PVP, The Division Mobile Game, and then Assassins Creed, and Assassins Creed, and to top it off, more Assassins Creed. Almost like Ubisoft has one or two ideas... And then their Sea of Thieves clone in Skull & Bones. 
Xbox has shown off a new dashboard. And Kyle has thoughts. So many thoughts. Thoughts that lead into a bit of a rant. And then a very big rant about it. Something tells us that maybe he's not that impressed. Have you seen the new dash and what are you thoughts? 
For some good news - the Elite Series 2 Controller is now available in Design Labs! Get to those cool customizations and lets see what you come up with. 
If you'd like to support the podcast, but don't know how, then just leave a review on your podcast platform of choice. It takes 2 seconds and helps in more ways than you can imagine. But if you feel like that's too easy, then please share it around - social media, word of mouth, sending the link to your family group chat - anything and everything helps us find more cool people. People like you. 
For everything about the podcast, check out our official website! 
Follow us on Twitter, find all our links on LinkTree and support us on Patreon. 
Your hosts are:
Kyle: XarCrius on Xbox and Twitter
Lee: Leehoward on Xbox and Twitter 
Simone: GymBeanNZ on Xbox and Twitter 

#GameFace! Diamond Ape Go Grrrr

Thursday Sep 15, 2022

Thursday Sep 15, 2022

Lee gets a new laptop. The queen has passed on. 
And Kyle is making sure he is ready to be knighted. 
At PAX, Lee is going to do Orange Justice! It's no Floss, so it's more of a challenge. In fact, it's so hard, Simone will give Lee $40 if he can do it. The challenge has now been laid down. Will you be at PAX with us to witness history? 
The Yappening is happening in Halo, and has absorbed Kyle for a while. Big Team Skockets is amazing and the good news is that the game mode will hang around after the event ends. Could this be Halo actually listening to the community? We wait and see... 
Simone's sister has started House Flipper and treats it like a role playing game - lining up the dining room table, opening the windows, and being like a real house owner! How odd. If you ever wanted to role play House Flipper, now you know how. Also, Simone discovers a secret in Halo - the legend of FlipYap! If you never heard about it, well do we have a treat for you. 
Lee tries to escape hell in Hades and is convincing us to try it out, just when it's leaving Game Pass. Luckily we have the Game Pass special price. When he gets bored of failing to escape, its then time to Destroy All Humans. 
If you'd like to support the podcast, but don't know how, then just leave a review on your podcast platform of choice. It takes 2 seconds and helps in more ways than you can imagine. But if you feel like thats too easy, then please share it around - social media, word of mouth, sending the link to your family group chat - anything and everything helps us find more cool people. People like you. 
For everything about the podcast, check out our official website! 
Follow us on Twitter, find all our links on LinkTree and support us on Patreon. 
Your hosts are:
Kyle: XarCrius on Xbox and Twitter
Lee: Leehoward on Xbox and Twitter 
Simone: GymBeanNZ on Xbox and Twitter 

#NuNews: Aye is a Why

Monday Sep 12, 2022

Monday Sep 12, 2022

We are the wizards of podcasting. 
We're never early, we're never late. We arrive exactly when we mean to! 
There's an Apple Event coming up that Kyle is super excited for. Lee, not so much. Who would have thought? Kyle intends to live Tweet it; Lee intends to be sarcastic. It's almost like our entire podcast is built on this dynamic! 
Ubisoft Forward is scheduled to show off more Assassin's Creed, and Lee threatens to watch it live. But it hasn't stopped Ubisoft from teasing the latest entry into the series - Mirage. Set in Baghdad, and dropping the RPG elements, it's more a return to the basics that made the series great.  
Game Pass Ultimate Friends & Family has been officially announced! Now, how can we stack it? Because that's the most important question here... The limitations are interesting too. Xbox is back in Tokyo for the Tokyo Game Show and we're hoping for a lot more Japanese game announcement! But should we be? 
#PAXAus is coming up quick fast and in a hurry. And we'll be there! If you're attending, let us know. We'd love to meet you. And we may even have some sneaky stickers to give away...
Speaking of stickers - check out our merch! While it's not much at the moment, we're planning big things! 
If you liked this episode, don't feel ashamed. Rather, join the dozens of others that are following us.
The Official XboxCast Website
For everything else, including everywhere our podcast is hosted, check out our LinkTree! 
Your hosts are:
Kyle: XarCrius on Xbox and Twitter
Lee: Leehoward on Xbox and Twitter 
Simone: GymBeanNZ on Xbox and Twitter 

#NuNews: Sweet Snacks Stalk

Monday Sep 05, 2022

Monday Sep 05, 2022

What is this? New music? 
When did we become so cool? 
Xbox Cloud Gaming will support mouse and keyboard. This means everyone on a netbook will be able to experience the power of the cloud! Is Xbox about to kill the PC upgrade? It certainly seems like it, but it's not exactly a bad thing either. 
Classic Bethesda games are joining Game Pass! This bodes very well for the future. And makes us super excited for a future where Xbox owns Activision-Blizzard. Imagine StarCraft in Game Pass? That would be amazing! 
A Kiwi game dev takes up arms against the film industry. The NZ govt gives so many grants to the tv and movie peeps, but completely ignores the gaming sector. So, he's threatened to leave for Australia. He can come hang out with Kyle and Simone! We'll get him on the podcast! 
Square Enix hosted a fire sale, with some games dropping as low as $3! And to top off the sale, they are selling a $13,000 statue. Because nothing says sale quite like selling a kidney! 
We'll be at PAX! Will you be at PAX? Do you want to be at PAX? And do you want to meet us? Now is your chance! We may even have some sneaky stickers to give away... Speaking of stickers - check out our merch!
If you found any value in this podcast, please consider donating your time, talent, or treasure. Word of mouth is how we grow, and you play an invaluable part.
And as always, thanks for listening! 
If you liked this episode, don't feel ashamed. Rather, join the dozens of others that are following us.
The Official XboxCast Website
For everything else, including everywhere our podcast is hosted, check out our LinkTree! 
Your hosts are:
Kyle: XarCrius on Xbox and Twitter
Lee: Leehoward on Xbox and Twitter 
Simone: GymBeanNZ on Xbox and Twitter 

Saturday Sep 03, 2022

Lee's beard gets fluffy when it rains.
But what happens when he's in space? 
We're wrapping up #back2YourBacklog. Lee missed the memo about finishing games, and instead started every game possible. Safe to say he did not finish a single game. Almost like he planned ahead for June '23 when we run #backToYourBacklog. 
Simone didn't expect to finish The Sims, but we can argue with Lee dying, it's an end. And of course, Kyle didn't get near to finishing Breathedge. Kyle and inventory management is an interesting relationship... But in fairness, both Kyle and Simone moved house, so we have that excuse and we're sticking to it. 
Lee also has a game review for you! What do you think of us doing game reviews? Do you like them? Would you like more? 
We'll be at PAX! Will you be at PAX? Do you want to be at PAX? And do you want to meet us? Now is your chance! We may even have some sneaky stickers to give away... Speaking of stickers - check out our merch!
If you found any value in this podcast, please consider donating your time, talent, or treasure. Word of mouth is how we grow, and you play an invaluable part.
And as always, thanks for listening! 
If you liked this episode, don't feel ashamed. Rather, join the dozens of others that are following us.
The Official XboxCast Website
For everything else, including everywhere our podcast is hosted, check out our LinkTree! 
Your hosts are:
Kyle: XarCrius on Xbox and Twitter
Lee: Leehoward on Xbox and Twitter 
Simone: GymBeanNZ on Xbox and Twitter 

Monday Aug 29, 2022

#Gamescom has arrived! 
And as is tradition, we go through almost everything...
All the announcements are new to Kyle, and Lee takes his job of catching Kyle up very seriously. Lee goes through every announcement. And it's all new to Kyle. So, he gets to react, live on the podcast! Will this be a train wreck, or will this be a brand-new exciting format? Who knows! 
In fact, there is almost no other news apart from Gamescom. But don't fret, we still have the charts! 
Saints Row has come out and the reception has been rather... rocky, to put it lightly...
Soul Hackers 2 brings the first Atlas West games to Xbox, and begins the influx of the Persona games joining the platform. If you like your JRPG's and have been envious of the competition, well then, your time has come. 
We'll be at PAX! Now is your chance to meet us! We may even have some sneaky stickers to give away... Speaking of stickers - check out our merch!
If you'd like to support the podcast, we're looking for your time, talent, or treasure.
However you want to give back, it's open to you. 
If you liked this episode, don't feel ashamed. Rather, join the dozens of others that follow us.
The Official XboxCast Website
For everything else, including everywhere our podcast is hosted, check out our LinkTree! 
Your hosts are:
Kyle: XarCrius on Xbox and Twitter
Lee: Leehoward on Xbox and Twitter (and check him out on Twitch)
Simone: GymBeanNZ on Xbox and Twitter 

This podcast is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

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